The Mission Behind ProDog Raw

ProDog Raw created embarked on a mission to creating quality dog food after tragically losing their pet dogs, once they understood that kibble was likely a large contributor to their dogs’ ill health. As they quite rightly state, nutrition is the foundation of health and happiness and ProDog Raw say they focus on creating clean and as natural as possible recipes with no man-made additive and zero processing. The company is dedicated to providing optimum nutrition for raw fed dogs and uses only human grade, British farm, DEFRA approved meat and bone for their recipes.

Providing Quality Based On Fundamental Raw Feeding Principles

Their food is aimed at working dogs and their specific, high-energy demands and comes in two ranges; the Complete Range and the 80:10:10 Range. Much like other complete raw food we’ve tried Mikki on their Complete Range recipes follow the BARF principle (80/20 diet) and comprise of meat, bone, offal (organ meat), fruit and vegetables along with superfood supplements such as sea kelp and salmon oil. This makes their Complete Range highly nutritious giving your dog everything he needs to thrive. Within their Complete Range, they also have a puppy food which is more finely minced and geared towards the nutrient-hungry, growing bodies of puppies. Their 80:10:10 Range on the other hand follow the prey mode principle where meat, bone and offal are the sole components with no carbohydrate sources or supplements added.

This gives dog owners who want to go for premade raw more choice as most companies create their recipes based on the 80/20 diet. ProDog Raw suggest that owners can choose to add their own fruits and vegetables should they wish to. We want to add that they say their 80:10:10 Range offers complimentary recipes however this is not to say that they can’t be fed by themselves as dogs don’t need vegetables and fruits to be in optimum health and thrive. But high quality sources of carbohydrates can be very beneficial for dogs which is why many premade companies use them in their recipes.

Cool statements on the side of the box the food came in😎

ProDog Raw’s recipes from both their ranges offer a variety of proteins. In their Complete Range most recipes consist of one protein e.g. raw chicken formula (meat and bone) and a couple of recipes consist of more than one protein e.g. salmon and turkey formula (mixed meat and bone). It’s always encouraged that raw feeders mix or feed a variety of protein sources because doing so will prevent a dog developing intolerances or allergies to single proteins. And it’s also more nutritious to eat a variety-after all, variety is the spice of life! It is a great thing that ProDog Raw offer single protein recipes though because some dogs don’t accept certain proteins very well and their recipes give owners the freedom to pick and choose. This is unlike other premade raw companies we have reviewed who mix proteins in all their recipes. The high quality composition of ProDog Raw’s recipes reflects, in their words, their offering of “innovative raw food for cutting edge canine nutrition”.

ProDog Raw’s Pricing And Delivery

ProDog Raw offers their recipes from both ranges in two sizes which are 500g and 1kg tubs. However if you want to buy more than 1 of a particular recipe go for the 1kg tubs as you can save money. For example, a 500g tub of raw chicken formula from their Complete Range is priced at £1.95 and the 1kg tub is priced at £3.40. Although this may depend on the layout of your frozen storage or how much space you have; for us, 500g tubs are easier to stack on top of one another. The prices of their recipes go up to £2.95 for 500g of their ‘premium recipes’ which do not include a 1kg option. These recipes offer more ‘exotic’ proteins which are currently venison, pheasant and boar. To be able to order with ProDog Raw you need to fulfil their minimum order requirements which is 6kg. So to make an order that gives a dog a variety of proteins you would be looking at around £24.85 for 6kg of recipes from either one or both of their ranges (excluding the premium recipes).

For a 5kg Min Pin (the weight we use to work out dog food costs on our feeding page) with average body type and activity levels, ProDog Raw recommend 100g which is 2% of the dog’s body weight in food and the very least amount you can feed a Min Pin. But as we recommend that a Min Pin of that weight be fed at least 110g this will translate as approximately £14.42 to feed per month. For the delivery charges it’s £7.95 for up to 15kg, £10.95 for up to 25kg, £12.95 for up to 50kg and £14.95 for up to 75kg. 75kg+ is free. However ProDog Raw is offering a sample pack at the moment where we were able to get 5kg worth of recipes for Mikki which included delivery (free actually!) and we even received some free training treats pictured below.

Mikki wholeheartedly appreciated the ostrich and black pudding treats that came with the sample pack😋

ProDog Raw supply their sample pack with a mixture of both their ranges. We paid £18.99 for our sample box which of course saved us a good amount of money👍🏾. Although you get given 1 500g of each recipe in the sample pack from both ranges (8 Complete and 2 80:10:10) you cannot pick and choose.

And Did Mikki Like His ProDog Raw Meals?

What do you think?🤣 He gobbled them down so they are a winner with him. As we still have some ProDog Raw meals left he is still on them and at the time of writing this, we have found him to be having some loose poop. We’ve pinned this down to the recipes containing richer proteins such as beef and possibly the 80:10:10 recipes. Mikki was fed a diet high in carbs for more than 5 and a half years of his life so his body still doesn’t know how to handle pure meat recipes effortlessly yet.

Sore Points

The beef and offal recipe from their Complete Range we found to be very ‘sticky’. Mikki has trouble swallowing the food as it sticks to the roof of his mouth and it takes him several times as long to finish his meal. If we order ProDog Raw again we will stay clear of that recipe. When unpacking the tubs of food we found them to be pretty dirty and had to spend time removing lots of debris before placing them in our freezer. We didn’t have this unpleasant issue with previous raw food companies.

Our Experience

We find their recipes to be more finely-minced that some of the others we’ve tried. Considering ProDog Raw is aimed at working dogs we don’t feel that it’s making a difference to Mikki compared to the other premade raw brands he’s tried. He does however burn a lot of energy by nature of his breed and as an individual dog so he does benefit from all the good nutrition that ProDog Raw delivers in their meals. All in all we found ProDog Raw to be excellent value for money considering their sample pack which gives Mikki almost enough food for a month. Their packaging comes in distinctive bright yellow plastic tubs (a reason behind those) with a secure lid (with a tab seal) which made the food easy to serve and put back in the fridge. ProDog Raw really does their bit for the environment and with their tubs being 100% recyclable, the company prompts you to go ahead and reuse them. The packaging also came nestled in wool liners to insulate the ice packs and they say that if you return them they will supply some tasty treats as a ‘thank you’ with your next order.

Raw Is Best..

Mikki has now been on a biologically appropriate raw diet for 4 months and we continue to be impressed with the visible changes in him.

  • His coat is in the best condition it’s ever been. Very shiny and glowing as well as quite a bit less shedding considering Autumn (shedding season) has just finished and the temperature changes are crazy at the moment. Prior to his diet change his shedding was a lot worse
  • His breath has really improved
  • Clean eyes. We haven’t seen any mucous or eye bogies for so long!
  • Very small poops. Although his system still has some issues with richer proteins so he does have some loose ones
  • He ‘doggy’ smell is a lot less strong
  • His musculature is much more pronounced and any previous bloating has gone

For more information on feeding your Min Pin and different diet options including the raw diet, visit our feeding page. We’re always happy to help with advice so feel free to contact us for some expert advice from real Min Pin owners and dog lovers🐶🐾