Miniature Pinscher And Dog Lovers! Contribute To Our Site🐾
We’d Love To Hear From You🐾
We take it that you like (or love) Miniature Pinschers and more generally, dogs, if you are visiting this website. If you have experience with dog ownership in any aspect and have something that you would like to share so you can contribute to this website, we would love to hear from you. As owners or people who work with dogs in a professional setting, we know we’ll all have different first-hand experiences and therefore knowledge which is valuable and we think it’s a fantastic service to others when it’s shared. This current age where new developments have emerged in canine research leading to the traditional ways of feeding and looking after dogs receiving much criticism has sparked a lot of confusion about how to care for our dogs, forcing us to take a long hard look at what we’re doing right and wrong. As dog owners and dog healthcare professionals whether that be veterinarians, nutritionists, trainers, groomers, those who own day care or boarding facilities, we would all have observed a wide variety of canine behaviours and therefore have knowledge to impart on others to help them provide the best care and quality of life for their dogs as possible.
How You Can Contribute🐾
As a guest you can contribute by contacting us or sending an email to [email protected] with your request and your content which will be used in a post/posts for our blog. However we ask you to follow a few simple guidelines:
- The topics can range from anything from Min Pin-specific to dog health, care, product or service reviews or simply your own or friends experiences you’d like to share about every day happenings relating to dog ownership. You can look at our blog post categories to get an idea of what we’re looking for. Areas that get us most excited are nutrition, spaying and neutering, training and natural pet care
- We don’t insist on it but would really appreciate it if you can provide some photographs you took yourself to go along with your post e.g. of your beautiful pooch. If your post is about nutritional advice then an you could provide a photo of the food you feed for example
- If you are a website, blog or business owner for anything dog-related you can provide the link in your guest post
If you are someone who blogs regularly we are more than happy have your guest post published on your own blog and provide a link somewhere to our site. We are happy to exchange a post for a post as well
Guest Post Requirements🐾
- Firstly please tell us who you are e.g. do you own dogs or work with them in some respect. Provide us with a name (doesn’t have to be your real one) and location
- The topic of your post must be Min Pin or dog-related
- Your content should be in keeping with the beliefs of Heathside Miniature Pinschers e.g. we fully support and promote raw feeding in all respects and a guest writing about how dry food is best for your dog would be a direct contradiction to this, at the same time we are happy to accept product reviews or experiences with dry food. This is why it’s a great idea to go ahead and ask us if you’re unsure
- If your post is a product review you must submit at least one photograph of the product that you took yourself-those of your dog enjoying the product are a bonus!
- Your content must be original e.g. not lifted from other websites, books or other texts
- The word count of your post must be upwards of 500 words
- No promotional or advertising content please
- Be aware that we do thoroughly check all content submitted to us to ensure it fits our requirements
- Happy blogging!-The team at Heathside Miniature Pinschers.